2025 Early Decision and Gap Year Student ReceptionFriday, March 21, 2025 at 1:30 PM until 5:00 PMPacific Daylight Time UTC -07:00Map and DirectionsDennis and Mollie Collins Admission House1600 Campus RdLos Angeles, CA 90041United StatesLoading...Early Decision and Gap Year students are invited to campus for an afternoon of specialized programming for the first members of the Class of 2029 to meet each other and become more familiar with Occidental. Student InformationStudent First Name *Student Last Name *Student Birthdate *Student Birthdate *JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Student Email Address *INTERNAL - email device typeINTERNAL - email device typeEmail AddressPlease provide your mobile phone number below if you consent to be contacted via mobile phone (including text messaging). We may text last minute reminders or parking updates to this number.INTERNAL - event text device typeINTERNAL - event text device typeEvent Mobile Opt InSend an additional copy of my registration confirmation to the following email address:(optional)Parent(s) and/or guardian(s) are encouraged to attend as well. Please provide the total number of attendees, including the student. *123Please list the names of the parent/guardian(s) attendingParent/Guardian 1 First NameParent/Guardian 1 Last NameParent/Guardian 2 First NameParent/Guardian 2 Last NameSome of our tour routes will utilize stairs. Do you need any mobility accommodations or have any mobility limitations? *Some of our tour routes will utilize stairs. Do you need any mobility accommodations or have any mobility limitations? *NoYesThanks for letting us know! We will be sure to match you with a tour route that has accessible entrances. Please note that we are unable to provide wheelchairs for visitors; we ask that visitors please bring their own wheelchairs or mobility assistance equipment. Please email Katherine Torrey at torreyk@oxy.edu with any questions.Submit